Keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 Gelişmiş Kart

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Contents  (Hızlı Menü)

Keyestudio Mega 2560 uyumlu Advanced, Keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 kartı ve ARDUINO MEGA 2560 REV3 ile tam uyumlu ATMEGA2560-16AU tabanlı bir mikrodenetleyici kartıdır.
54 dijital giriş / çıkış pini (15 tanesi PWM çıkışı olarak kullanılabilir), 16 analog giriş, 4 UART (donanım seri bağlantı noktası), 16 MHz kristal osilatör, USB bağlantısı, güç girişi, 2 ICSP başlığı, ve bir sıfırlama düğmesi.
Mikrodenetleyiciyi desteklemek için gereken her şeyi içerir. Önyükleyici ile program doğrudan USB ile indirilebilir ve başka bir harici programlayıcı kullanmanıza gerek yoktur.
Başlamak için sadece USB kablosuyla bir bilgisayara bağlayın veya harici bir DC güç jakı (DC 7-12V) veya Vin / GND (DC 7-12V) dişi başlıklarıyla güç verin.
Not: keyestudio MEGA 2560 uyumlu kart Gelişmiş ve keyestudio MEGA 2560 R3 kart arasındaki en önemli fark kartta kullanılan voltaj regülatörü çipidir. Keyestudio MEGA 2560 R3 kartında kullanılan voltaj regülatörü çipi NSP1117'dir. Harici güç, çıkış 5V bağlandığında, sürücü akımı 1A'dır. Ancak, keyestudio MEGA 2560 uyumlu anakart Gelişmiş voltaj düzenleyici çip MP2307DN içerir. Harici güç, çıkış 5V bağlandığında, sürücü akımı 2A olabilir.

MEGA 2560 daha karmaşık projeler için tasarlanmıştır. 54 dijital G / Ç pini, 16 analog giriş ve çiziminiz için daha geniş bir alan ile 3D yazıcılar ve robotik projeleri için önerilen karttır. Bu, projelerinize geniş alan ve fırsatlar sunar.

keyestudio MEGA 2560 compatible board Advanced keyestudio MEGA 2560 R3 board
voltage-regulator chip MP2307DN NSP1117
Power Output 5V 5V
Drive Current(external power) 2A 1A
Drive Current(USB power) 0.5A 0.5A

TECH SPECS / Teknik Özellikler

Microcontroller ATMEGA2560-16AU
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) DC7-12V
Digital I/O Pins 54 (D0-D53)
PWM Digital I/O Pins 15 (D2-D13; D44-D46)
Analog Input Pins 16 (A0-A15)
DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed 16 MHz


  • Boyut: 108mm x 53.5mm x 15mm
  • Ağırlık: 33.6g


Elements and Interface / Elemanlar ve Arayüzler

Here is an explanation of what every element and interface of the board does:
KS0342 引脚标图.jpg

KS0001 5-1.png Digital I/O

Arduino MEGA has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs). These pins can be configured as digital input pin to read the logic value (0 or 1). Or used as digital output pin to drive different modules like LED, relay, etc.
Using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions.

KS0001 5-2.png GND

Ground pins

KS0001 5-3.png AREF

Reference voltage (0-5V) for analog inputs. Used with analogReference(). Configures the reference voltage used for analog input (i.e. the value used as the top of the input range).

KS0001 5-4.png SDA

IIC communication pin

KS0001 5-5.png SCL

IIC communication pin

KS0001 5-6.png ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) Header

the AVR, an Arduino micro-program header consisting of MOSI, MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, and GND. Connected to the ATMEGA16U2-MU. When connecting to PC, program the firmware to ATMEGA16U2-MU.

KS0001 5-7.png USB Connection

Arduino board can be powered via USB connector.
All you needed to do is connecting the USB port to PC using a USB cable.

KS0001 5-8.png D13 LED

There is a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.

KS0001 5-9.png ATMEGA 16U2-MU

USB to serial chip, can convert the USB signal into serial port signal.

KS0001 5-10.png TX LED

Onboard you can find the label: TX (transmit)
When Arduino board communicates via serial port, send the message, TX led flashes.

KS0001 5-11.png RX LED

Onboard you can find the label: RX(receive )
When Arduino board communicates via serial port, receive the message, RX led flashes.

KS0001 5-12.png Crystal Oscillator

How does Arduino calculate time? by using a crystal oscillator.
The number printed on the top of the Arduino crystal is 16.000H9H. It tells us that the frequency is 16,000,000 Hertz or 16MHz.

KS0001 5-13.png Voltage Regulator

Convert an external input DC7-12V voltage into DC 5V, then switch DC 5V to the processor and other components. Output DC 5V, the drive current is 2A.

KS0001 5-14.png DC Power Jack

Arduino board can be supplied with an external power DC7-12V from the DC power jack.

KS0001 5-15.png IOREF

This pin on the board provides the voltage reference with which the microcontroller operates. A properly configured shield can read the IOREF pin voltage and select the appropriate power source or enable voltage translators on the outputs for working with the 5V or 3.3V.

KS0001 5-16.png RESET Header

Connect an external button to reset the board. The function is the same as reset button.

KS0001 5-17.png Power Pin 3V3

Provides 3.3V voltage output

KS0001 5-18.png Power Pin 5V

Provides 5V voltage output

KS0001 5-19.png Vin

You can supply an external power input DC7-12V through this pin to Arduino board.

KS0001 5-20.png Analog Pins

Onboard has 16 analog inputs, labeled A0 to A15.

KS0001 5-21.png RESET Button

You can reset your Arduino board, for example, start the program from the initial status. You can use the RESET button.

KS0001 5-22.png ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) Header

the AVR, an Arduino micro-program header consisting of MOSI, MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, and GND.
It is often called the SPI (serial peripheral interface) and can be considered an "extension" of the output. In fact, slave the output devices to the SPI bus host.
When connecting to PC, program the firmware to ATMEGA2560-16AU.

KS0001 5-23.png Microcontroller

Each Arduino board has its own microcontroller. You can regard it as the brain of your board.
The main IC (integrated circuit) on the Arduino is slightly different from the panel pair. Microcontrollers are usually from ATMEL. Before you load a new program on the Arduino IDE, you must know what IC is on your board. This information can be checked at the top of IC.

KS0001 5-24.png Power LED Indicator

Powering the Arduino, LED on means that your circuit board is correctly powered on. If LED is off, connection is wrong.

Specialized Functions of Some Pins / Bazı Pinlerin Özel Fonksiyonları

  • Serial Communication: D0 (RX0) and D1 (TX1); Serial 1: D19 (RX1) and D18 (TX1); Serial 2: D17 (RX2) and D16 (TX2); Serial 3: D15 (RX3) and D14 (TX3).

Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega16U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.

  • PWM Pins (Pulse-Width Modulation): D2 to D13, and D44 to D46.

Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.

  • External Interrupts: D2 (interrupt 0), D3 (interrupt 1), D18 (interrupt 5), D19 (interrupt 4), D20 (interrupt 3), and D21 (interrupt 2).

These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a low level, a rising or falling edge, or a change in level. See the attachInterrupt() function for details.

  • SPI communication: D53 (SS), D52 (SCK), D51 (MOSI), D50 (MISO).

These pins support SPI communication using theSPI library. The SPI pins are also broken out on the ICSP header, which is physically compatible with the Arduino Uno.

  • IIC communication: D20 (SDA); D21 (SCL). Support TWI communication using the Wire library.

Ks0342 引脚.jpg

Tips / İpuçları

  • Automatic (Software) Reset:

Rather than requiring a physical press of the reset button before an upload, the Mega 2560 board is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by software running on a connected computer.

  • The Mega 2560 board contains a trace that can be cut to disable the auto-reset. The pads on either side of the trace can be soldered together to re-enable it. It's labeled "RESET-EN". You may also be able to disable the auto-reset by connecting a 110 ohm resistor from 5V to the reset line; see this forum thread for details.

Detailed Use with ARDUINO Software as follows / ARDUINO Yazılımı Ayrıntılı Kullanımı

Step1 | Download the Arduino environment (IDE) / Arduino Ortamını (IDE) İndirme

When you get the Mega 2560 development board, first you should install the Arduino software and driver.
We usually use the Windows software Arduino 1.5.6 version. You can download it from the link below:
Or you can browse the ARDUINO website to download the latest version from this link,, pop up the following interface.

Then click the SOFTWARE on the browse bar, you will have two options ONLINE TOOLS and DOWNLOADS.

Click DOWNLOADS, it will appear the latest software version of ARDUINO 1.8.5 shown as below.

In this software page, on the right side you can see the version of development software for different operating systems. ARDUINO has a powerful compatibility. You should download the software that is compatible with the operating system of your computer.
We will take WINDOWS system as an example here. There are also two options under Windows system, one is installed version, the other is non-installed version. For simple installed version, first click Windows Installer, you will get the following page.



This way you just need to click JUST DOWNLOAD, then click the downloaded file to install it.
For non-installed version, first click Windows ZIP file, you will also get the pop-up interface as the above figure.
Click JUST DOWNLOAD, and when the ZIP file is downloaded well to your computer, you can directly unzip the file and click the icon of ARDUINO software to start it.

Installing Arduino (Windows) / Arduino Kurma (Windows)

Install Arduino with the exe. Installation package downloaded well.

Click"I Agree”to see the following interface.

Click "Next”. Pop up the interface below.

You can press Browse… to choose an installation path or directly type in the directory you want.
Then click "Install” to initiate installation.

Wait for the installing process, if appear the interface of Window Security, just continue to click Install to finish the installation.

Installing Driver / Sürücü Kurma

Next, we will introduce the driver installation of Mega 2560 R3 development board. The driver installation may have slight differences in different computer systems. So in the following let’s move on to the driver installation in the WIN 7 system.
The Arduino folder contains both the Arduino program itself and the drivers that allow the Arduino to be connected to your computer by a USB cable. Before we launch the Arduino software, you are going to install the USB drivers.

Plug one end of your USB cable into the Arduino and the other into a USB socket on your computer.
When you connect Mega 2560 board to your computer at the first time, right click the icon of your "Computer” —>for "Properties”—> click the "Device manager”, under "Other Devices”, you should see an icon for "Unknown device” with a little yellow warning triangle next to it. This is your Arduino.

Driver 1.png
Then right-click on the device and select the top menu option (Update Driver Software...) shown as the figure below..
Driver 2.png

It will then be prompted to either "Search Automatically for updated driversoftware” or "Browse my computer for driver software”. Shown as below. In this page, select "Browse my computer for driver software”.
Driver 3.png

After that, select the option to browseand navigate to the "drivers” folder of Arduino installation.
94 3-4.png

Click "Next” and you may get a security warning, if so, allow the software to be installed. Shown as below.
Driver 5.png

Once the software has been installed, you will get a confirmation message. Installation completed, click "Close”.

Up to now, the driver is installed well. Then you can right click "Computer” —>"Properties”—>"Device manager”, you should see the device as the figure shown below.

Introduction for Arduino IDE Toolbar / Arduino IDE Araç Çubuğu Tanıtımı

Double-click the icon of Arduino software downloaded well, you will get the interface shown below.
(Note: if the Arduino software loads in the wrong language, you can change it in the preferences dialog. See the environment page for details.)

The functions of each button on the Toolbar are listed below:

IDE 1.png Verify/Compile Check the code for errors
IDE 2.png Upload Upload the current Sketch to the Arduino
IDE 3.png New Create a new blank Sketch
IDE 4.png Open Show a list of Sketches
IDE 5.png Save Save the current Sketch
IDE 6.png Serial Monitor Display the serial data being sent from the Arduino

Step2| Connect the board / Kartı Bağlama

Connect the Mega 2560 board to your computer using the USB cable. The power LED should go on.

Step3| Select the Arduino Board / Arduino Kartın Seçilmesi

Open the Arduino IDE, you’ll need to click the "Tools”, then select the Board that corresponds to your Arduino.
02 Step3.jpg

Step4| Select the Serial Port / Seri Portun Seçilmesi

Select the serial device of the Arduino board from the Tools | Serial Port menu. This is likely to be COM3 or higher (COM1and COM2 are usually reserved for hardware serial ports). To find out, you can disconnect your Arduino board and re-open the menu; the entry that disappears should be the Arduino board. Reconnect the board and select that serial port.

02 Step4.jpg

Note: to avoid errors, the COM Port should keep the same as the Ports shown on Device Manager.
02 Step4-1.jpg

02 Step4-2.jpg

Step5| Upload the Program / Programın Yüklenmesi

Below is an example program for displaying the Hello World!
Copy and paste the code to the Arduino environment IDE.

int val;//define variable val
int ledpin=13;// define digital pin13
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);// set the baud rate at 9600. When connected to a specific device, (e.g. bluetooth), the baud rate needs to be the same with the device.
pinMode(ledpin,OUTPUT);// initialize digital pin 13 as output. When using I/O ports on an Arduino, this kind of set up is always needed.
void loop()
{;// read the instruction or character from PC to Arduino, and assign them to Val.
if(val=='R')// determine if the instruction or character received is an "R”.
{  // if it’s "R”,    
digitalWrite(ledpin,HIGH);// set the LED on digital pin 13 on. 
digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW);// set the LED on digital pin 13 off.    
Serial.println("Hello World!");// display"Hello World!”.

Then click verify button to check the errors. If compiling successfully, the message "Done compiling." will appear in the status bar.
02 Step5.png

After that, click the "Upload” button to upload the code. If the upload is successful, the message "Done uploading." will appear in the status bar.
02 Step5-1.png

Step6| Open the Serial Monitor / Seri Monitörü Açma

After that, click the serial monitor button to open the serial monitor.
UNO monitor.png

Then set the baud rate as 9600, enter an "R” and click Send, you should see the RX led on the board blink once, and then D13 led blink once, finally "Hello World!" is showed on the monitor, the TX led blink once. Congrats!
Mega hello world.png

Package Included / Paket İçeriği

  • Keyestudio MEGA 2560 Advanced board * 1pcs
  • USB cable * 1pcs


Other Resources / Diğer Kaynaklar

You might also want to look at
the examples for using various sensors and actuators;
the reference for the Arduino language;

You can download the datasheet from the link:

Software Download:

Troubleshooting / Sorun Giderme

If you have problems, please see the troubleshooting suggestions.

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Keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 Gelişmiş Kart Uygun fiyatlar ile Keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 Gelişmiş Kart Robot Elektronik'te. Kampanyalı satışlarımız hakkında bilgi almak için tıklayın! Ks0342
Keyestudio Mega 2560 R3 Gelişmiş Kart

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